How can you deal better with noises at breakast/lunch/dinner?
The chewing sounds of family members, friends, and colleagues can become too much at some point for many of us.
How do you deal with those situations?
Leaving the table temporarily with an excuse. Offering doing some kitchen work, getting something from the fridge (walking quite slowly), or a quick break at the bathroom (also possible: “I forgot to wash my hands, excuse me for a minute please”)
get fresh air
Classic 🙂 “I need some fresh air”, nothing to say against it, I guess! Thanks a lot for the additional solution enhancement.
Turning on low volume music with the agreement of the other people at the table (preferable wide range frequencies like an orchestra, and not just a piano for example, so the sound scape is large and covers more annoying sounds)
Blocking the chewing sounds out by making own chewing sounds (works as long as hunger and food are present)