How do you explain the trait of being an HSP to others?
Somehow it seems, some will never understand it, some can have a glimpse, and others seem to understand it – mostly connected to their level of empathy.
How do you explain, if you explain at all?
“Like around 15% of the population I have special mirror neurons, and my synapses work differently compared to the other 85%. I process things more deeply and therefore slower, but more precise and detailed. Therefore I need to rest more, and can behave a bit different than expected. It’s even in animals, look it up!”
Some don’t understand, and don’t want to. Or simply can’t. And that’s fine – I also can not understand narcissists, or overly egoistic and unempathetic people.
If it’s possible, I make them watch the movie “Sensitive: The Untold Story”. It’s with Elaine Aron (the “inventor of the term HSP”) and Alanis Morissette. Lots of people start to believe more, if it’s told by a highly successful celebrity.
There are lists of HSP celebrities and famous people around the globe – that can help additionally.
Showing them articles in well-known magazines like GQ and Vogue can also help, besides the scientific articles you can easily find via Google in order to give some explanations and authority sources. The more accepted the source is for the conversation partner (science, fancy, gossip, celebrities, newspaper, …), the more they will accept the facts about HSPs. Articles from esoteric, or “HSP niche” blogs work not so well, as they can seem biased or following an agenda, or wanting to sell an HSP book, course, DVD/movie/stream, etc.
I usually say: “you know the feeling of focussing on one thing? now imagine focussing on 5000 things at the same time, and yes, your system wasn’t built for this.” and similar.